Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary is the most famous town spa in Czech Republic. Its history goes back to 14th century, the time of Charles IV. Such celebrities as Russian tsar Peter the Great or world-famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe praised healing effects of the town's local mineral springs. This town and spa has been popular also with the production of world-famous Bohemian Czech crystal Moser, with local china production known as Karlovarský porcelán (porcelain of Karlovy Vary) and with production of delicious herb spirit Becherovka. And exactly this is the place where our tour starts - in Becherovka museum. After museum sight-seeing finished by sampling Becherovka our guide will accompany you for a walk in the town centre. You will see e.g. Vřídlo (Giant Spring) which is the most famous spring in Karlovy Vary. It sprews into the height of almost 17 meters. After lunch you can choose from two programme alternatives - either to enjoy your free time and go for another walk in this beautiful town or you can have a swim in an outdoor swimming pool. If so, then please do not forget your swimming costumes and towels!

Including lunch and entrance fee to Becherovka Museum

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