The Nutcracker, P. I. Tchaikovsky

Salzburg Marionette Theatre

The baroque theatre with its auditorium seating 350 visitors is in itself worth seeing. This world-famous jewel is indoubtedly the leading theatre of its kind. The operas, operettas and ballet performed on the small stage by marionettes never fail to enchant audiences. Once you have entered this fascinating world, it is soon easy to forget that the characters are puppets on strings. You will be captivated by the illusion and imagine you are seeing life-size performers.
World-class artists, especially stage-directors and designers, come back again and again to work for the Salzburg Marionettes. In 1996 the Salzburg marionettes participated in performances of Weber's opera Oberon at the Salzburg Festival, an indication of the high reputation enjoyed by the Salzburg Marionettes. Timlessly classical stage designs oriented towards conveying the period of the story provide the scenery here rather than modern, contemporary sets.


Salzburg Marionette Theatre,
Schwarzstraße 24
A-5020 Salzburg

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